Saturday, August 6, 2011

I'm Going Home, To The Place Where I Belong

I've had a LOOOONNNNNGGGG summer.  After two years teaching full-time in Kingsport, I resigned in May.  I was very thankful for the opportunity to teach there, but I knew it was time to move on.  The reasons are abundant, and it would take me approximately two years to explain them all to you. 

So...I waited and prayed.  There are some people in my life who deserve a medal of honor for keeping me sane and talking me off the ledge for months. (You know who you are and thank you!)  See, I knew I was leaving Kingsport, but I didn't exactly know where I was going.  I can honestly say I was willing to go wherever God wanted me to go, but the waiting and wondering can be painful.  I don't particularly like pain, and patience must not be my favorite fruit of the spirit.  

After MANY days of waiting, I was hired last Wednesday in Washington County.  I am THRILLED because that was my ultimate goal.  To be back on my children's schedule is such an answer to prayer.  For now, I will be teaching in a different school than they attend.  I am loving my new school (Fall Branch)! Everybody has been so welcoming, and I'm even working for one of my previous principals. 

So needless to say, I've been a little crazy trying to get myself prepared for those little first graders coming Tuesday morning.  YES, I SAID FIRST GRADERS! I've never taught below second grade, so the adventure has truly just begun. 

I've been continually praising Jesus for sending me back to Washington County.  It feels so good to be home.


  1. Woo hoo!!! I'm so happy for you! Congratulations! What an answered a prayer! I didn't realize this or I would have mentioned it in my text tonight. We've been out of town since last Tuesday and I'm just now catching up on my blog reading. :)

  2. I'm so happy for you, Michelle!!!
