Saturday, November 12, 2011

She's Got Legs, And She Knows How To Use Them

It's a good thing I bought her when I did because she's obviously in high demand.  I'm talking about Myrtle the Giraffe of course.  I'm thinking maybe it's her long, skinny legs or maybe her beautiful long neck.

Somebody recently visited my blog from a google search for "home goods giraffe".  I feel sorry for the poor person when she undoubtedly did NOT receive the information that she was searching for in my Myrtle the Giraffe post of silliness.  I am quite curious though if she was actually in the market for an at least nine feet tall giraffe for her home. Where exactly do you put a giraffe that large in your home?

(Someone please tell me because I still have Myrtle out back in the yard under a tarp.  I'd love to bring her in for the winter.)

(The whole Myrtle experience was actually sparked from a blog that someone wrote about finding and purchasing a giant rooster.  It was hilarious, but I couldn't link to it because of some bad language.  Oh well...)

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