Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Jury Is Still Out

The jury is still out on whether I'll actually have to serve on an actual case, but I AM currently serving on jury duty for the first time ever.  So far all of the cases scheduled for January have been settled out of court or been dropped for some reason.  I have to call again on Monday afternoon to see if I have to report next week.  Keeping up with which days and times to call has been the most stressful part so far! If you forget and fail to report, they can fine you $500.  I find that interesting since they only pay you $11 a day to be there.  I have to stay on jury duty for three months which is through the beginning of April.  After this "term of service" (doesn't that sound very Presidential or something), I won't be called again for at least two years.  I've certainly learned a lot already about how the court systems work.  I guess we'll see how things unfold over the next three months!

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