Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lazy Lane

That's what I really want to name this blog...or maybe "Life on Lazy Lane". There's just one tiny problem. I don't live on Lazy Lane. Here's why I think we should move there and henceforth rename the blog:

1. I just think it sounds so "homey" and inviting. Who wouldn't want to call Lazy Lane home???

2. Lazy Lane actually exists near our current home. There also happens to be a house there that I think is just perfect for us. It's just absolutely darlin'. (I actually fell in love with that house years ago before I even realized it is on Lazy Lane.)

3. The alliteration is lovely. I'm fond of alliteration. (See: Michele Murray; It's not the only reason I married him, but it sure didn't hurt his chances.)

So maybe I should change the name of the blog and just pretend...


  1. My old roommate from college lived on Lazy Lane in Colonial Heights

  2. I posted a comment on this post the other day, but it apparently didn't go through. I am sooo happy you're doing this new blog. Good for you! You've inspired me. :) "Lazy Lane" is a great title, by the way!
