Tuesday, February 14, 2012

You Give Me Hope, To Carry On

Name that tune...


It's You Light Up My Life, otherwise known as the song I sang to Brian in the most horrible singing voice I could produce over the phone during lunch today.  Because nothing says Happy Valentine's Day like the flat rendition that I delivered.  Trust me.

Otherwise, we had a great Valentine's Day.  Sure, I had to got to survive celebrate with a million some first graders before I got to spend time with my own Valentines at home.  Oh, I kid.  Party days are the highlight of every teacher's school year.  Just ask them.  Any of them.  I'm sure they'll tell you the truth.  I mean, who doesn't love a room full of wild, sugar-filled six and seven year olds AND ALL OF THEIR MAMAS (plus a few grandmas, aunts, and siblings) with more messy foods that you can imagine running around for an hour? I do.  I love it. 

(Honestly, they had a ball, and I love seeing them happy.  It can just be a wee bit stressful for the teacher.)

Once home, it was smooth sailing. Brian cooked dinner, and it was so yummy.  Mom came by to eat with us and visit for a little while.  The rest of the night was just low key.  Just the way I like it!  Home with my little family that I love more than anybody or anything.  Isn't that what it's all about anyway?

I'm so thankful this Valentine's Day for all of my sweet blessings!

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